ROSIE - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme is responsive , clean, minimal and highly versatile WordPress WordPress suited for creative designers, photographers, bloggers, product or service landing pages and even corporate web sites. Then let's come over here and let's type in the name of our company. Everyday, hit a return. Then the word things. Now at the line setting here, set to 37, we're getting a slight overlap here. And then come up here, select the zoom tool. Click and drag, let's zoom up on this. Easy to setup and it comes with wide color customization, extended typography settings, Typekit support and fully customizable sections.
UPDATE ROSIE - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme v2.3 (14.12.2015)
- Visual Content Composer plugin updated
- Master Slider plugin updated
- Revolution Slider Plugin updated
- Various fixes & improvements
So if I come in here and increase the line height you'll see that we're getting a space between the letters. But again, I do want these to overlap. So I'll bring this down to about right here. I'm going to click away. Now we have Everyday Things selected here. So next, just to make sure I have the text block selected and no characters, I'll select this over here in the Layers panel.
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