907 - Responsive WP One Page - Multi One Page Parallax - Free Download from webcreations907 is a modern and flexible WordPress one page WordPress theme best suited for portfolio, business website, digital agency, freelancers. So first we'll start with a semi-transparent black bar. So back to the Insert menu, down to Shape, Rectangle. Let's come up here to the upper-left hand corner. Click and drag. We'll make the full width as well, and we'll come down and make this about 110 pixels tall. Now with this in place, over in the Inspector panel, let's come down for Borders. Let's come over here and uncheck the border if that's selected. You can also click on the trash can to get rid of any Border properties whatsoever.
UPDATE Version 4.0.3 (15-03-2016)
ADDED: Testimonial Height option variable/auto
UPDATED: Visual Composer
UPDATED: language files
UPDATED: language files
FIX: Icon Box Subheading color
Improved: Image overlay clickable areas
Improved: Mobile click image overlays
Improved: Mobile click image overlays
Powerful Theme Options
Easy theme options panel for setting your colors, typography, layouts and more. Most theme options can be overridden on any page.
Unlimited Portfolios
Have as many portfolios as you’d like, even displayed on the same page! Optional ajax pagination, text excerpts, filtering buttons, and more.
Plus Much More
Lots of great useful features make this a great theme for building anything you can think up, from personal to commercial 907 has you covered.

For the color I want a semi-transparent black. So in the color ramp area, let's click on the indicator and drag this down to the lower left making sure we have black selected. And then next we'll come over here to the Alpha setting. Let's double-click this, let's put in 65. Which will make this 65% opaque, or 35% transparent. Next we'll add some text for the navigation. So let's go back to the Insert panel. Let's come down and choose Text. And now with Sketche's Text tool activated, let's come down here into the white space.
Click and drag, we'll (mumbles) at a text block. Once we let go, Sketch will add in some default text here. We can delete that. Let's come in here and type in About Us. Now I want to have a series of elements along this navigation bar. But we don't have a tab ruler in Sketch, so, in order to get the spaces in here, we'll use the Space bar. So I'll put in six spaces, and then we'll type in the next element. So the second item will be Design Corner. Six spaces, then type in Products.
And then six more spaces, and then Contact Us. So once you have these elements typed in, let's select all of these characters. Let's come over here to the Inspector panel. Let's click on Typeface. You can use any Typeface that's on your system. And in some cases, like Google Fonts, which is what I'm using here, they give you an option to download some of these fonts. So I'm going to use Open Sans. So I'm going to type in the word Open. I'll choose the regular Open Sans. Press Return. Next for size, let's come over here and change the size.
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